Après 25 ans de rugby, c'est fini pour Joe Rokocoko !
Joe Rokocoko raccroche les crampons !
Joe Rokocoko a annoncé sa retraite sur ses réseaux sociaux. À 36 ans, il était sans club depuis le début de l'année.

C'est la fin du rugby et Joe Rokocoko en tant que joueur, à 36 ans, il a décidé d'arrêter et de raccorcher les crampons. Dans un post instagram, il a décidé de remercier les personnes qui l'ont aidé et qui ont toujours cru en lui. D'un petit club de Nouvelle-Zélande au Racing 92, l'ailier All Black se tourne vers d'autres horizons.

Rokocoko, c'est 46 essais sous le maillot à la fougère entre 2003 et 2011.

Derrière sa longue carrière, Joe Rokocoko est un adepte des titres. En plus du Bouclier de Brennus en 2016, il a remporté cinq Tri-Nations entre 2003 et 2010 quand il évoluait encore chez les Auckland Blues. Il n'avait rejoint la France qu'en 2011 du côté du Pays Basque, à Bayonne.

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It has been the best ride ever , as I sit here I want to express all the gratitude and the peace I feel after reaching the end of this journey. A fabulous journey that God started for me when I was just a skinny Fijian kid living in South Auckland , taking me from my very first club in Weymouth in 1994, through to my retirement 2019 from Racing 92 in Paris. Throughout this adventure I was incredibly blessed to have been a part of some special teams and to have met so many special people along the way. There are too many to mention, but today I want to take this chance to say Thank you. - To all my coaches, trainers, medical teams. Thank you for everything you taught me and for giving me the best possible chance to play the best I could for each game. - to all the supporters, my agents at CSM and sponsors. Thank you for your loyalty and support and everyone else who has had a role in this game I am so blessed to have played. - to my teammates. To each and every one of you, thank you all again for reminding me why I love playing this game. I will be forever grateful for the special memories we have shared, and for all the things we keep close: our values, respect, humility, friendships, togetherness, brotherhood, and simply having fun playing our game. - to my parents who sacrificed so much and went way beyond the call of duty to help me in my career. I will never forget the feeling of owning my first boots that Mum bought from the local garage sale in Manurewa. Thank you for all the time, love, and sweat you gave as a family throughout this time. All I wish is that in some way I made you proud. - to my family and close friends. Thank you for always being by my side and for your support during all the tough times as well as the happy moments. Most Specially to my wife Beverley and my three boys Cypress, Clément and Cruden for being so patient all this time, letting me chase my dreams around the world and always believing in me even when there were times I didn’t believe in myself. I know without you all, through Gods’ guidance and love I couldn’t have come this far. I can’t thank you enough and look forward to God’s plans for us in the near future. Vinaka 🙏🏾 JR

Une publication partagée par Joe Rokocoko (@jrokocoko) le

Un voyage fabuleux que Dieu m'a permis de commencer alors que j'étais un petit enfant fidjien maigre vivant à South Auckland, m'emmenant de mon tout premier club à Weymouth en 1994 à ma retraite, en 2019, du Racing 92 à Paris.

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Merci M Rocokoco

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